Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Black Wolf Anna Podedworna

Solution to all errors in the iphone / ipod Jailbreak ESPRESS

Well another crazy idea of \u200b\u200bmine .... and restore to risk?

* ** This procedure without warning to get past the errors, 1604, 3145, 1600, 2000, 2003, till where I went ... and was tested this solution and 1g 4g ipod ****
this is another production:

NUEVOOOOOOOOOOOO HOLA !!!!! ! this is what I call a express jailbreak
(maybe it exists but we mentioned it: D) \u200b\u200b

a little history: I have an ipod ipod 4 and 1 for to restore .... both are stuck in DFU mode and try to restore I get the best-known ... errors in the ipod / iphone in order ...

return only to tell them: jailbreak (which is just putting on cydia ipod) you can put him cydia without restoring the iPod or other dangerous procedure but, running Greenpois0n, D, blackra1n, oh spirit.

I think we have some idea that we need to restore order to make a jailbreak at least is what I think "why show it so many tutorials on various pages of the internet. then tested

and I think this would be the solution to the error 29 before it then appears and without risking, say and many believe that an aver done this, oh and there was BUT THAT PINS MOTHERS DO NOT SAY!! good .... what the jailbreak is .....

what nesesitas:  

saber nuestra version del ipod /iphone " yo lo e calado con 3.1.3 y  4.2.1"  

greenpois0n:  para version 4.2.1 

spirit: version 3.1.3 oh 3.1.2   

en greenpois0n : solo poner el idevice en modo DFU como lo muestra y esperar 

en spirit: solo jailbreak y esperar a que sea jailebrakeado " te dice si soporta tu version"  

*****eso es todo ***** 


here is the greenpois0n prueva that makes the jailbreak on an ipod touch without having to tap to restored before:) ammm ipod spirit was tested with version 3.1.3 and in 4.2.1 and greenpois0n the 2 work perfectly, which excels in functionality is the jailbreak ipod 4 with greenpois0n: D


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