Thursday, April 14, 2011

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning And Taste

iDevice 4g ipod jailbreak without restoring

Well we face again, just go for it again aviarles use my method that I now call SpeedJailbreak oh speedbreaker as ¬ ¬ "and good now try LimeRa1n (formerly with GreenPois0n) and the feasibility of using these 2 for jailbreak programs without restoring the ipod 1g 4g with whom and proven ... soon plow it with an ipod 2g.

good too I get my own jailbreak D: while get a ipod / iphone again ...

can start downloading your jailbreak limera1n from here

here is the photo gallery to see that there is no trick (:

photos taken from a 2g iphone ¬ ¬

and good .... there is the entry of the day, and I hope that works for them as it is very easy to give only question ra1n Make It and put it in DFU mode (instructions are already there) and wait for it to put the green and then drop turn our iDevice


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