Law Day
EDU/994/2011 Order of 8 April, establishing the curriculum of the initial cycles final and intermediate level, corresponding to the Técnico Deportivo in Caving (BOE of 22 April 2011). Full Text.
Organic Law 2 / 2006, dated May 3 , Education, provides in Article 6.4 of the Education Administrations will establish the curriculum of the various education regulated by the Act, which form part of basic aspects of the curriculum are the core curriculum. Schools develop and complete, if necessary, the curriculum of the different stages and cycles in exercising their autonomy as stated in Chapter II Title V of that law
Once the Government has set in the Royal Decree 64/2010 of 29 January, the professional profile of Deportivo Técnico in Caving, their curricula and those other aspects of academic management are the basics of the curriculum to ensure common training and ensure the validity of the headlines around the country, must now determine, in the field of management of the Ministry of Education, extension and contextualization of the contents of sports training modules included in the average cycles, respecting the professional profile themselves.
also middle-grade curriculum this title down out of respect to the pedagogic, organizational and management of schools offering sports, driving them teamwork of teachers and the development of training plans research and innovation in the field of education and action to promote the continuous improvement of educational processes.
Moreover, sports education centers will develop the curriculum established in this order, by the teaching team schedules, which must incorporate the design of learning activities and performance development flexible, under the rules governing the organization of schools, to allow for individual adjustments of the curriculum at each site within the resources available, but in any case involving the suppression of targets that affect the professional profile of the cycles .
In the process of making this order has issued a report on the State Board of Education.
the foregoing, in virtue, I have:
Article 1. Object.
This order is to determine the curricula of initial and final cycle average rating for the Technical Certificate in Caving Deportivo provisions of Royal Decree 64/2010, 29 January.
Article 2. Scope.
The curriculum established in this order shall apply in the field of management of the Ministry of Education.
Article 3. Curriculum.
1. The curriculum for sports education for the special scheme Técnico Deportivo in Caving provisions of Royal Decree 64/2010 of 29 January, is determined in the terms set forth in this order.
2. The professional profile of the curricula, which are expressed by the general competence, professional skills, personal and social skills and competency units of the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications are included in the Deportivo Técnico referred to in the previous section.
3. The general objectives of middle-grade curriculum, the objectives of the sports learning modules expressed in terms of learning outcomes and assessment criteria are included in the Deportivo Técnico referred to in paragraph 1 of this article.
4. The contents of the sports learning modules that make up the present curriculum, adapted to the reality sociodeportiva well as the prospects for economic development, social and sporting environment are set out in Annex I to this order.
Article 4. Duration and sequence of teaching modules sport.
1. The total duration of these cycles lessons for intermediate level, including the respective modules of practical training of 1,140 hours. These lessons are organized into two cycles:
a) initial stages in Caving average lasting 450 hours.
b) final stages of Speleology average in a period of 690 hours.
2. The sports training modules are offered these cycles when based provision, shall follow the sequencing and time distribution defined in Annex II of this Order.
3. It guarantees the right of registration of those students who have passed some form of sport education in another autonomous region in the terms set out in Article 35.3 of Royal Decreto1363/2007, 24 October.
Article 5. Practical training module.
1. In general, once reached a positive assessment in sport education modules set out in Annex III, will develop training modules for practice.
2. Notwithstanding the foregoing, and as a result of timing of certain sports and activities that may prevent the development of practical training module to meet the above assumptions, this would be organized in other periods coinciding with the development of the sport's own professional profile of the cycle.
3. The assessment of practical training modules will be conditional upon the positive evaluation of other teaching modules in their respective sports cycle average.
Article 6. Spaces and equipment.
spaces and facilities that must meet the approved centers to impart sports education are set out in Annex IV A and IV B of this order, and should allow the development of teaching activities in compliance with regulations on equal opportunities, design for all and universal access, prevention of occupational hazards, as well as the health and safety rules in the workplace.
Article 7. Qualifications and accreditation requirements for teachers.
1. The requirements for certification of teachers with teaching award in sports education modules that constitute the initial and final cycles referred to in Article 1 of this order, are listed respectively in Annexes X, XI and XII A Royal Decree 64 / 2010, Jan. 29.
2. The conditions for teaching of specific block modules as specialist teachers in public schools of the educational administration are listed in Annex XI B of the Royal Decree 64/2010 of 29 January.
Article 8. Adapting to socio-sports.
1. The curriculum covered by this order are established taking into account the reality of the sport system and the social, economic and geographic environment deployment own title.
2. The sports schools have the necessary educational autonomy, organizational and economic management development of learning and adaptation to the specific characteristics of the socioeconomic environment, culture and sports.
3. Approved centers to teach these average cycles to define and implement organizational measures and curriculum that are best suited to the characteristics of their students and their sporting environment, flexibly and use of educational autonomy in the general framework educational project in the terms established by Law 2 / 2006, dated May 3 of Education.
4. The curriculum covered by this order will be developed in educational programming, promoting values \u200b\u200brelated to fair play, respect for others, respect and care of the body and the environment in which sport is developed, and the creativity, innovation and excellence in work
Article 9. Adaptation to the educational environment.
1. Sports education centers under the Ministry of Education, developed the curriculum established in this order, taking into account the characteristics of students and the environment.
2. Also, the lessons of this course will be taught with a flexible and open approach based on self-learning and adapted to the conditions, capabilities and personal needs of students, so as to allow the reconciliation of learning with other activities and responsibilities associated with the sport mode.
Article 10. Specificity requirements.
1. To access the initial cycle of average in caving is necessary to overcome the specific character test set out in Annex VIII of Royal Decree 64/2010 of 29 January,
2. The test specificity of the initial cycle is assigned a workload of 120 hours training on the duration of the initial cycle in Caving average.
3. To access cycle final average must be overcome in caving test specificity is set out in Annex IX of the Royal Decree 64/2010 of 29 January.
4. The test specificity of the final cycle is assigned a workload of 90 hours training on the duration of the final cycle of average in caving.
5. To overcome the specificity tests will require a positive assessment in all the evaluation criteria described herein.
Article 11. Composition and profile of the court of proof of a specific nature.
1. The court will appointed by the provincial or the Departments of Education.
2. The tribunal will consist of a President, a Secretary and three assessors.
3. Assessors specificity tests should prove at least the degree of Technical Sports Espeleology.
4. The President shall identify evaluator perform the functions of Vice-President of the court.
5. Until the publication in the Official Gazette of the common criteria of the mode of caving for the purposes of validation and professional equivalence, as set forth in the provision quinta.2 additional Royal Decree 1363/2007, of 24 October may be assessors specificity testing those who were in a position to approve or arrange for professional, technical equivalence Deportivo in Caving, from training to referred to the fifth additional provision of Royal Decree 1363/2007, of 24 October , and the first transitional provision of Royal Decree 1913/1997 of 19 December and 1363/2007, of 24 October.
Article 12. Functions of the court evaluator test specificity.
1. The court test specificity have the following functions:
a) The development of specific character tests as specified in Annex VIII and IX of the Royal Decree 64/2010 of 29 January.
b) To ensure smooth operation of the specificity tests, ensuring that the objectives, content and evaluation of exercises that make the evidence conform to the provisions of the describing them.
c) The evaluators conducted the evaluation of the actions of the applicants in accordance with established criteria for evaluating the learning outcomes of test specificity.
d) The final evaluation of candidates.
2. The court, as a body, is governed by the provisions in Title II, Chapter II of Law 30/1992 of November 26 the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedure
3 . In the event that any of the candidates proves a disability, the court may seek the cooperation of experts and act in accordance with the provisions of the third additional provision of Royal Decree 1363/2007, of 24 October .
Article 13. Bid away.
1. Modules sports teaching that can be offered at a distance, in part or whole, reflected in Annex V, when the nature required, to ensure all students achieve the goals expressed in learning outcomes through classroom activities. This will take into account the general guidelines on distance education are made in the specific Annex V and Annex I.
2. The Provincial Departments of Education and take the necessary measures and dictate the precise instructions to the centers that are authorized to teach these sports education cycles based provision for commissioning and operation of supply of the same distance.
3. Approved centers to impart sports education at a distance will have adequate instructional materials that will meet the provisions of the fourth additional provision of the Organic Law 2 / 2006, dated May 3 of Education.
Article 14. Combined offering intensive and extraordinary timing.
1. In order to meet the needs and interests and give the possibility to combine training with work and sports with other activities or situations, the supply of these teachings may be combined between educational systems and distance simultaneously, if not the same modules are conducted in two modes simultaneously.
2. It also may offer sports education non-teaching periods and intensively with a workload of up to 10 hours a day, with appropriate rest periods.
Article 15. Modular supply.
1. In order to combine learning with other activities and responsibilities, the provincial and the Departments of Education may establish specific measures to comply with Article 24 of Royal Decree 1363/2007 of October 24, and enabling a modular supply.
2. To promote the inclusion of adults and high-performance athletes to sports education, the Directorate General of Evaluation and Regional Cooperation of the Ministry of Education, following a mandatory report of the Higher Sports Council, may authorize the Provincial Ministries of Education and the provision, in centers of competence, teaching modules organized sports training units of shorter duration. In this case, each learning outcome, their evaluation criteria and corresponding content block will be the unit minimum and indivisible part.
3. This training will be developed with an open and flexible approach, adapted to the conditions, capacities and needs to enable them to reconcile learning with other activities and responsibilities, meeting the provisions of Title I, Chapter IX of the Organic Law 2 / 2006 , on May 3 of Education.
Article 16. Offer specific modular initial cycle.
1. In order to adapt the teachings to the needs of the sports system and respond to the powers of promotion, development and basic introduction of the sport, the sports education modules of the initial cycle or dividing it into learning units, as referred to in Article 15.2 of this order may be grouped in a set called Monitor training assistant Speleology and creditable by sports federations or by the competent in sports or, where appropriate, competent in sports training, the cities of Ceuta and Melilla.
2. Monitor training Caving assistant may be recognized for the purposes of further training in the initial cycle of average in caving, for what will have to demonstrate the academic requirement.
3. To access Monitor the training of assistant Caving be necessary to pass the test of specificity in Article 21.1 of Royal Decree 64/2010 of 29 January.
First additional provision. Authorization to impart these teachings.
The Provincial Departments of Education and handled by the Directorate General of Evaluation and Regional Cooperation, the authorization to teach the lessons of these cycles of sports education in the cases described in Articles 13, 14 and 15 of the centers upon request and meet the requirements under the law.
Second additional provision. Implementation of these teachings.
During the 2010-2011 academic year may establish the initial cycle average referred to in Article 1.
First final provision. Implementation of the Order.
Authorizes the General Directorate of Evaluation and Regional Cooperation in the field of its powers to take action and issue the necessary instructions for implementing the provisions of this order.
Second final provision. Entry into force.
This order shall come into force on the day following its publication in the Official Gazette. " Annexes
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